This book
was waiting for me in the kitchen when I got home from work today. I had a quick flick through it before deciding that when I do an activity or something from this book, I'm going to post about it, or even make a video. Probably not make a video though. I still have the book Mess
which I haven't started yet which I'm also going to post on here and possibly make some videos on it.
So I saw this in Living Out Loud under "10 (small) ways to shake things up" and I'm totally doing this tonight. I was given the DVD "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" a while back as a present and I've never watched it. That will change tonight. I was going to watch that and "10 Things I Hate About You" since I recently purchased that too, but then I remembered that it's Monday and Glee is on tonight. Another pajama party for one soon. Oh, maybe two. I might invite Jayne. The only thing about this picture is that my tv is already in my room, but I rarely just sit/lie in my pjz and actually watch it and get lost in a movie. If I'm watching a movie, it's usually on the computer but I always get distracted by tumblr.
I've discovered that clearing out and de-cluttering my room is one of my new favourite things to do. I'm such a hoarder. :/ I did find this yellow folder of "my best work", or whatever teachers called it, from primary school. There are some interesting stories and pictures I will share with you in various forms in due course. They are embarrassingly brilliant. Or brilliantly embarrassing, I can't quite decide.
Jayne is home today. :)
looks like a great book but i dont have the time to read too many books :( x