Saturday, 26 March 2011

Since the age for 4 until I was about 16 I was involved in pretty much every aspect of Girl Guiding and I loved it. The only thing that stopped me still being part of it is that our unit had to stop running for a variety of unfair and serious reasons. I was asked if I'd like to join the other unit in our village or go to the Rangers unit in the next village over, but it didn't seem right to go on without the other senior guides or our leader. Plus I had my exams, so I decided to focus on them.  
When I was in the Brownies, I gained my Stage 4 Swimmers badge. I had been swimming since the age of 4 so it wasn't too much of a challenge. I was the first one in our unit to ever achieve that badge. Wooo!
When in the Guides, at first we didn't really do many challenges, go camping or gain badges. Then we got another leader, Aileen, and pretty much every week on was completing challenges for badges or preparing to go away somewhere. It was always such a laugh and since I was one of the older guides, we took a lot of the activities for the younger girls. Hilarity ensued.
As the senior section, we got to undertake more challenges than the younger girls, for example, we completed both the Baden-Powell Challenge and Commonwealth Award. As part of the Baden-Powell Challenge, we got to spend a weekend in London with other guides from around the country. It was great. :) The Commonwealth Award is the highest award you can get in Girl Guiding and we were the first Guides in the area to ever have achieved it. We were in the local newspaper and everything. Apparently, it was a pretty big deal. Haha. 
I  miss it. I miss how we'd go to the park and play rounders when it was super sunny and warm or how we'd have chocolate themed nights and just generally have the biggest laugh ever. I miss how we'd always be set challenges and how great it was when you'd achieve them or help other people achieve them. The outings were fun too. We'd go to the place when poppies are made in Edinburgh and help make some poppies before selling them before Remembrance Day. We visited the Clyde 1 studios. Oh man, Guide camps were the funnest! The amount of times we all ended up in tears laughing at something is ridiculous. There was this one time that us senior guides were in a separate building from everyone else and we were super late to breakfast so we turned up in our pjs, looking a right mess. Awk man, those were some of the greatest times ever. 

Basically, I miss it. :/

Reading other people's blogs inspire me to do so much: be more healthy, save money, travel, etc. But it's just so hard when friends are skint, all your time goes to studying (I should be doing that now :/) and everyone is working when you are free. Urgh. Well, thanks to you lot, I'm planning on cutting back my spending a shit load. I read how Shopaholly didn't buy anything for a year and she paid back loans and stuff. I'd never manage to not buy anything, but recently, I have stopped buying food at uni or at Greggs on the way home. It might seem like nothing, but that £2 I'd be spending is getting saved for something else. My money really does only go on food, gig tickets and presents for people. Oh and buying gig tickets for other people. I hate it when you don't get paid back and I feel like a right bitch asking for it. :/ But I need that money, it's not always like a tenner, it's usually more. 

Long post today, sorry. :) 

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